We believe in providing the best solutions for our customers through excellent hands-on real-world training. Through continued development and learning at these events, you will have everything you need to succeed in your business. Whether you are in surveying, construction, plant, public safety, or other fields, we are here to help you learn to take your survey and reality capture technology to the next level.
Whether you have had training before and need a refresher course in various aspects of technology, or you need to learn some new skills in a specific area, these entry level courses will help you.
Perhaps you feel comfortable with the basics but need to advance particular aspects of your workflow to get to the next level. Then these type of courses will help you get there.
These courses will help you either specialize in an area of expertise or raise your overall game to a new level.
3 Days of Classes
3 Days of Classes
Registration includes Monday Training and Evening Social
Single Day discounts not offered
HOME2Suites/Hampton, Hilton
141 South Stone Ave
Tucson, AZ 85701
Rosita Johnson
Sales Manager
(520) 274-7400
We look forward to seeing you in Tucson!